Revenge of the Jedi
Alwolf's MudGuide to Success
Welcome to Sumitra, a Rebel Base.
This is quite good for lowbies just starting out. Some badly desired explosives lie in this area as well as the occasional bacta pad. Explore around and have fun, its a fairly small zone.
From port and above Landing Pad on Mos, go:
Important Mobs
- Rebels: Easy guys. They nearly always load with rations and occasional helmet. exp of 500. Good for newbies.
- Dack and Wes Janson: Without sanc, these guys will probably massacre you. I recommend around lvl 15 before taking these guys. They load with the occasional suit and more importantly the true gunner patch (ac3 +1htr)
- Commander and captain: These too are relativly easy, (lvl 15?). Commander has a laser pistol?, and a key which will unlock a room containing both thermal detonators and/or blaster scopes.
- Medic: He rarely misses and you will probably miss him quite often. If he's loaded with the bacta pad (cure crit, x3) then its well worth it.